Questionnaire for firms
The surveys prepared by ESCWA targeting banks, firms and policy makers are aimed at gauging the conditions for trade financing in the region particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Questionnaire for policy makers
The surveys prepared by ESCWA targeting banks, firms and policy makers are aimed at gauging the conditions for trade financing in the region particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 and maritime transport: Disruption and resilience in Asia
Impacts of The presentation sets out the impact of the COVID-19 disruption on maritime trade flows, port calls, and liner shipping connectivity in Asia. It also considers the response measures and coping strategies adopted in the face of the disruptive pandemic, and the lessons learned and good practices relating to the maritime supply chain resilience-building.the COVID-19 disruption on maritime trade flows, port calls, and liner shipping connectivity in Asia
Impact of Covid19 on Transport in the Arab Region
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a global health and economic crisis that has transformed the world.
Questionnaires for banks
The surveys prepared by ESCWA targeting banks, firms and policy makers are aimed at gauging the conditions for trade financing in the region before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trade Facilitation - Crisis response package
UNCTAD Trade Facilitation Section has developed a Crisis Response Package which aims to assist countries to mitigate socio-economic impacts during periods of crisis.