Guide for National Trade Facilitation Bodies on How to Use UN/CEFACT Trade Facilitation Standards and Tools
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted supply chains and global trade flows and affected delivery of public services. As part of the emergency response, governments worldwide adopted measures to fast-track imports of essential goods and medical supplies, and to provide public services while maintaining contact restrictions and changes in staff assignments. They also adopted provisional measures to digitalize information exchange or just receive scanned or photographed copies of documents, to verify content through electronic means and to reduce the frequency of physical inspections of goods and means of transport.

Практическое руководство для Национальных органов по упрощению процедур торговли: как использовать стандарты и инструменты СЕФАКТ ООН
Пандемия коронавирусного заболевания COVID-19 существенно нарушила цепи поставок и дестабилизировала глобальные торговые потоки, а также оказала воздействие на предоставление государственных услуг. В качестве мер экстренного реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации, правительствами стран были введены упрощенные процедуры как для импорта товаров первой необходимости и предметов медицинского назначения, так и для предоставления государственных услуг, при одновременном сохранении ограничений на контакты между людьми и принятии изменений в процедурах назначения сотрудников. Административные органы по всему миру также ввели временные меры по цифровизации информационного обмена, либо же в целях обеспечения возможности принятия отсканированных или сфотографированных копий документов, проведения проверок соответствия информации электронным образом, а также для снижения частоты проведения физических инспекций грузов и транспортных средств.

eCMR Standard package
The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) was developed in 1956. This convention standardizes contractual and carrier liability conditions of transporting goods by road in vehicles for reward if the origin and destination are in two different countries, and at least one of the countries is a contracting party. It has been acceded to by 55 states around the world, thus making the use of the CMR obligatory in these countries. In 1976, the International Road Union introduced a United Nations Layout Key aligned CMR Note template in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce. This road consignment note template was updated in 2007 and is now used by most, if not all, parties to contracts of carriage in CMR contracting countries.

Online Course on Enhancing Trade Information Portals
Trade information portals (TIPs), sometimes also called National Trade Portals/Repositories (NTP/Rs), are websites where one can obtain information on laws, regulations and procedures that need to be followed when engaging in international trade. The information and services provided through TIPs have the potential to enhance regulatory transparency and greatly facilitate trade. While many countries already have some forms of TIPs, ensuring their effectiveness and sustainability often remains a challenge. The objective of this online course on enhancing TIPs is to provide a framework and guidelines for assessing the as-is conditions of a TIP and generating recommendations for its improvement.

Guide to enhancing Trade Information Portals
The Guide to enhancing Trade Information Portals proposes a governance framework and guidelines that can be used as an assessment and improvement roadmap, especially for assessing the current or as-is conditions of an existing Trade Information Portals (TIPs), and then generating recommendations for further enhancing its quality and impacts. The readers of this guide will learn how to evaluate and generate recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness and the sustainability of TIPs.
Readers of the Guide are recommended to take the online course on enhancing Trade Information Portals (TIPs). The online course is available HERE.