21 April 2022

Article 1 of the TFA obliges WTO members (and therefore all interested parties) to promptly publish information related to international trade, so that WTO members (and, accordingly, all interested parties) can familiarize themselves with the rules to ensure a transparent and predictable environment for international trade. WTO Members are encouraged to provide access to trade-related information via Internet and establish or maintain enquiry points (EP).

Currently, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, work is underway to bring national legislation in line with the requirements of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

In accordance with paragraph 1.3 of Article 1 of the TFA (“Enquiry points”), each WTO member must establish or maintain one or more EPs to process and respond within reasonable time to requests from governments, traders, and other interested parties on issues and documents related to foreign trade. EPs must provide information as required by paragraph 1.1 of article 1 of the TFA regarding the publication of a specific set of information on a non-discriminatory basis and in an easily accessible form.

16 February 2022

This Standard describes the installation and set up procedures necessary to deploy a specified information page at the web-sites of the Customs authorities of the Central Asian countries. Such page would contain all relevant information on border checkpoints in a universal and easy-to-use form.

Both documents are prepared in Russian.

Настоящий Стандарт описывает процедуры установки и настройки, необходимые для развертывания и введения в эксплуатаци. специализированной информационной страницы на веб-сайтах таможенных органов центральноазиатских стран. Такая страница будет содержать соответствующую информацию о пунктах пересечения границы в универсальной и легкодоступной форме.

Оба документа подготовлены на русском языке.

Uniform CA Customs Information Page.rar

06 - 07 July 2020
Virtual Modality

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) organized a technical cooperation seminar for the SPECA countries: "Trade Facilitation in Times of COVID-19” with the Partnership on Transport and Logistics in Central Asia, working with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the OSCE Border Management Staff College and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

03 - 04 November 2020
Central Asia

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) are organizing a regional meeting to support regional cooperation among the National Trade Facilitation Committees in Central Asia, held online on 3-4 November 2020.

26 January 2021

The exponential growth of cross-border movements of goods often pushes States to develop more effective  border  management  procedures  implemented  at  border-crossing  points  (BCPs).  Issues  related to the facilitation of border-crossing procedures (time and documentary formalities) are of particular relevance to the countries participating in the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies   of   Central   Asia   (SPECA)   (Afghanistan,   Azerbaijan,   Kazakhstan,   Kyrgyzstan,   Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), through which important transit corridors run between the global trading centres in East Asia and Europe.

Click here to consult the Russian version of this review.
