Uzbekistan: Implementation of the interactive service «Enquiry Point for Trade Facilitation»
Article 1 of the TFA obliges WTO members (and therefore all interested parties) to promptly publish information related to international trade, so that WTO members (and, accordingly, all interested parties) can familiarize themselves with the rules to ensure a transparent and predictable environment for international trade. WTO Members are encouraged to provide access to trade-related information via Internet and establish or maintain enquiry points (EP).
Currently, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, work is underway to bring national legislation in line with the requirements of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

Paperless Data and Document Exchange in the Cross-Border Transport of Specific Goods between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union
In the context of the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the general direction of building back better this project aims to develop and practically test paperless data and document exchange in the cross-border transport of specific goods between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.
Focusing on a specific pilot case of multimodal delivery of goods author of this study conducted research and offered practical recommendations how to align used by different participants in the supply chain in their IT systems to the UN/CEFACT standards and Multimodal Transport Reference Data Model, allowing for a seamless exchange of electronic data and documents (B2B exchange), as well as developing electronic B2G documents for submission to regulatory authorities.

Technical Specification for Uniform Customs Information Page in Central Asia
This Standard describes the installation and set up procedures necessary to deploy a specified information page at the web-sites of the Customs authorities of the Central Asian countries. Such page would contain all relevant information on border checkpoints in a universal and easy-to-use form.
Both documents are prepared in Russian.
Настоящий Стандарт описывает процедуры установки и настройки, необходимые для развертывания и введения в эксплуатаци. специализированной информационной страницы на веб-сайтах таможенных органов центральноазиатских стран. Такая страница будет содержать соответствующую информацию о пунктах пересечения границы в универсальной и легкодоступной форме.
Оба документа подготовлены на русском языке.

Alignment of documents used in multimodal transportation along the GUAM transport corridor with the UN/CEFACT reference data model
The objective of this project is further development of the digital transport documents that could provide seamless information flows accompanying cargo flows between countries along the GUAM transport corridor. Due to its position in the middle of the cargo transport routes between Europe and Asia, the use of UN/CEFACT standards and recommendations for cargo information sharing along this route makes much sense.
The focus of the project is on the practical application of the data models and standards to facilitate real-world transport operations that take place along this transport route. This is achieved by creating digital twins of real business documents that are mapped to the UN/CEFACT multimodal transport reference data model (MMT RDM) to ensure interoperability both in terms of changing jurisdictions and modes of transport along the route.

CA Transport Infrastructure and Perspectives on Development of Electronic Document Equivalents, Data Structures and Data Exchange
This Report serves as a preparation to the research of trade and transport corridors going though the Central Asia and establishes the necessity of digitalization of multimodal transport data as well as exchange of documents along those corridors through the use of UN & UN/CEFACT standards.
This Project is the joint initiative of the UNECE and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The relevance of this project is the current common interest of all the countries in the region to jointly develop the transport links.

SMGS Consignment Note Standard Package
The SMGS Consignment Note Standard Package was developed as part of the United Nations response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic under the United Nations multiagency project “Transport and Trade Connectivity in the Age of Pandemics: UN solutions for contactless, seamless and collaborative transport and trade”.
This electronic document equivalent Standard Package consists of the following elements:

Review: Harmonization of border crossing procedures in SPECA Countries
The exponential growth of cross-border movements of goods often pushes States to develop more effective border management procedures implemented at border-crossing points (BCPs). Issues related to the facilitation of border-crossing procedures (time and documentary formalities) are of particular relevance to the countries participating in the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), through which important transit corridors run between the global trading centres in East Asia and Europe.

The Impact of COVID-19 Induced Non-Tariff Measures on SPECA Countries’ trade Patterns
This assessment was prepared pursuant the Governing Council of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) - Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The decision stipulates preparing a study on regulatory and procedural barriers to trade in the sub-region, as per the “Concept Note for a Study on Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade in the SPECA Subregion”.
The assessment also forms part of UNECE’s rapid COVID-19 response within the context of the United Nations Development Account project “Transport and Trade Connectivity in the Age of Pandemics: UN solutions for contactless, seamless and collaborative transport and trade”.