Preferential Certificate of Origin Standard Package

International Forwarding and Transport Standard Package

Booking Standard Package

Shipping Instruction Standard Package

Waybill Standard Package

Status Report / Request Standard Package
The tracking of a consignment, goods or transport equipment is imperative to a success of a supply chain operation, accurate and timely status updates allow the Consignor and Consignee to plan and manage the flow and timing, identifying exceptions early on so that risk and disruption can be minimised. The status reporting processes can cover ad-hoc reporting (request) or contractual reporting (subscription).
The Equipment Status Report package includes the following elements:
The Consignment Status Report package includes the following elements:

Export Packing List Standard Package

RASFF (Rapid Alert for Security of Food and Feed) Standard Package

eCMR Standard package
The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) was developed in 1956. This convention standardizes contractual and carrier liability conditions of transporting goods by road in vehicles for reward if the origin and destination are in two different countries, and at least one of the countries is a contracting party. It has been acceded to by 55 states around the world, thus making the use of the CMR obligatory in these countries. In 1976, the International Road Union introduced a United Nations Layout Key aligned CMR Note template in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce. This road consignment note template was updated in 2007 and is now used by most, if not all, parties to contracts of carriage in CMR contracting countries.