SAVE THE DATE: Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics: Closing project meeting
UN solutions for contactless, seamless and collaborative transport and trade
This Initiative that brought together the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the five UN regional commissions for Africa (ECA), Europe (ECE), Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and Western Asia (ESCWA), with funding managed by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, will come to an end soon in June 2022.
As such, and to review all the activities that were carried out during the project period, a virtual closing project event that will take place from 20-24 June 2022.

Electronic FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading data standard available as open-source
Source: UNECE
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International Federation of Freight-Forwarders Associations (FIATA) announce the official release of the electronic FIATA Multimodal Bill of Lading (eFBL) data standard.
The data standard, created on the basis of the mapping of the Negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading (FBL) with the UN/CEFACT MMT reference data model, allows the exchange of BL data in a standardised way, facilitating interoperability between all modes of transport and industry stakeholders.

UNECE publishes a package of important standards for the digitalization of multimodal transport data and document exchange
UNECE and its subsidiary body, the UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) have finalized and published a set of aligned standards for the digitalization of intermodal transport data exchanges to support global supply chain cargo movements.
These standards comprise technical specifications and supporting tools: data subsets of the UN/CEFACT Multimodal Transport Reference Data Model (MMT RDM), XSD schemas, data structures, etc., for key documents accompanying goods transported in movements across one or more of the five key modes of transport. Data exchange structures for maritime, inland water, air, road and rail cargo movements are included and these are aligned with each other by each being a subset of the overarching UN/CEFACT Multimodal reference data model (MMT) which itself is a part of the highly regarded UN/CEFACT global supply chain semantic reference data model (BSP RDM).

Latest digital air cargo innovation will accelerate global recovery
ICAO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) have completed new digital air cargo technical specifications guidance that will help to accelerate the transition towards safer and more resilient supply chains, while making important contributions to COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.

Western Balkans countries on the way towards accelerating digital channels of trade through Single Window and Data Sharing
The global economy enters 2022 with new challenges. Almost two years into the Covid-19 pandemic the digitalization of transport and trade data flows is on top of the economic agenda. In response, UNECE organized its 4th workshop on trade facilitation, Single Window, and data sharing for the Western Balkans, in cooperation with the Customs Administration of North Macedonia, the World Bank, the European Commission, UNCTAD/ASYCUDA, and CEFTA and others.
National Trade Facilitation Committees Global Forum 2022
Accelerating the implementation of trade facilitation reforms through the national trade facilitation committees despite the pandemic situation.
The Forum will provide a platform for members of national trade facilitation committees, policymakers, and other stakeholder to explore the latest trends in implementation of trade facilitation reforms, including the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.

New generation digital UN/CEFACT standards for multimodal transport will facilitate safe, secure and efficient international trade
The need to digitalize information flows in international supply chains became clearer than ever during the pandemic, thanks to the reduced person-to-person contact this allows, on top of important efficiency gains. However, efforts to date have been fragmented. UNECE and its subsidiary body UN/CEFACT are offering a solution: a package of standards to provide interoperability for the digital exchange of data between modes of transport, sectors, companies, agencies and countries.

UNCTAD/ASYCUDA COVID-19 survey Newsletter 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Programme has supported user-countries with countering its economic impact.

Use of digital UN/CEFACT standards in air cargo boosts efficiency and resilience of multimodal transport and supply chains
The safety, security, efficiency, and resiliency of supply chains will benefit from air cargo digitalization, supported by standards developed at UNECE’s UN Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT).