
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

As a multilateral platform that facilitates greater economic integration and cooperation among its fifty-six member States in Europe, North America and Asia, ECE promotes sustainable development and economic prosperity through policy dialogue, negotiation of international legal instruments, development of regulations and norms, exchange and application of best practices as well as economic and technical expertise, and technical cooperation for countries with economies in transition. The ECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD), through ECE’s subsidiary body - the UN/CEFACT - has been working for more than six decades on trade facilitation, defined as "Simplification, harmonization and standardization of procedures and associated information flows required to move goods internationally from buyer to seller and to pass payment in the other direction" with a focus on the standardization of data used in international trade in all UN member States.

Contact details:

Mr. Mario Apostolov
Regional Adviser
Economic Cooperation and Trade Division
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

+41 22 917 11 34
[email protected]

Partner URL: https://www.unece.org

Partner's Contribution in Streams


Seamless connectivity

It focuses on eliminating obstacles to cross-border trade and transport operations arising from the COVID-19 crisis. 


Collaborative solutions

It seeks to strengthen regional and sectoral cooperation to facilitate joint actions and solutions in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.