02 March 2021

The CIM/SMGS Consignment Note URL Standard Package was developed as part of the United Nations response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic under the United Nations multiagency project “Transport and Trade Connectivity in the Age of Pandemics: UN solutions for contactless, seamless and collaborative transport and trade”.

This electronic document equivalent Standard Package consists of the following elements:

02 March 2021

The CIM/SMGS Consignment Note Standard Package was developed as part of the United Nations response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic under the United Nations multiagency project “Transport and Trade Connectivity in the Age of Pandemics: UN solutions for contactless, seamless and collaborative transport and trade”.

This electronic document equivalent Standard Package consists of the following elements:

CZfield_dates.end_value|date("d") ~ ' ' ~ node.field_dates.end_value|date("F")|t ~ ' ' ~ node.field_dates.end_value|date("Y") }} - 28 February 2022

In the current times o

03 - 04 November 2020
Central Asia

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) are organizing a regional meeting to support regional cooperation among the National Trade Facilitation Committees in Central Asia, held online on 3-4 November 2020.

09 February 2021

Пандемия коронавирусного заболевания COVID-19 существенно нарушила цепи поставок и дестабилизировала глобальные торговые потоки, а также оказала воздействие на предоставление государственных услуг. В качестве мер экстренного реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации, правительствами стран были введены упрощенные процедуры как для импорта товаров первой необходимости и предметов медицинского назначения, так и для предоставления государственных услуг, при одновременном сохранении ограничений на контакты между людьми и принятии изменений в процедурах назначения сотрудников. Административные органы по всему миру также ввели временные меры по цифровизации информационного обмена, либо же в целях обеспечения возможности принятия отсканированных или сфотографированных копий документов, проведения проверок соответствия информации электронным образом, а также для снижения частоты проведения физических инспекций грузов и транспортных средств.

Ознакомиться с английской версией Руководства можно здесь.

Для выхода из фазы чрезвычайной ситуации политики и сообщество деловых кругов стремятся как к преобразованию временных мер, направленных на упрощение процедур, в долгосрочные реформы, так и к переходу направленных на цифровизацию усилий на качественно новый уровень.  Задачи по ограничению контактов между людьми с целью предотвращения распространения вируса могут быть объединены с поиском путей повышения эффективности международных торговых операций и проведения мер официального контроля посредством цифровизации информационных потоков в международной торговле.

09 February 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted supply chains and global trade flows and affected delivery of public services. As part of the emergency response, governments worldwide adopted measures to fast-track imports of essential goods and medical supplies, and to provide public services while maintaining contact restrictions and changes in staff assignments. They also adopted provisional measures to digitalize information exchange or just receive scanned or photographed copies of documents, to verify content through electronic means and to reduce the frequency of physical inspections of goods and means of transport.

Russian version of the Guide can be consulted here.

Getting out of the emergency phase, policy-makers and the business community seek to turn provisional simplification arrangements into long-term change and scale up their digitalization efforts. Limiting person-to-person contacts to avoid spreading the virus can be combined with searching for improved efficiency of international trade transactions and establishing official controls through the digitalization of trade information flows. The pandemic has precipitated a worldwide digital surge that has the power to transform cross-border trade and transport operations for the future.

02 February 2021

The Rapid Alert for Food & Feed (RASFF) Process has been compiled using the RASFF system and process of the European Commission and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as a base, with contributions of the Dutch Food Safety Authority and other relevant organisations. The generic design is offering Control Authorities in the domain of Health and Food Safety and other authorities (such as Customs)the opportunity to contextualize the information by using the UN/CEFACT Core Component Business Document Assembly (CCBDA) methodology.

The RASFF Standard package includes the following elements:

The RASFF process is to provide information about measures taken responding to serious risks detected in relation to food or feed from control authorities to a central Rapid Alert System. Whenever a member of the RASFF network has any information relating to the existence of a serious direct or indirect risk to human health deriving from food or feed, this information is immediately notified.


02 February 2021

The  Cross-Industry Export Packing   List   process   has   been   compiled   within   the   context   of   the   United   Nations   Development  Account  (UNDA)  coronavirus  (COVID-19)  response  project  “Transport  and  Trade Connectivity in the Age of Pandemics”, with a view to increase the harmonization and standardization  of  data  exchange  in  international  transport,  trade  and  logistics  to  reduce  person-to-person contacts during the COVID-19 crisis and in the post-pandemic recovery.

The Export Packing List Standard package includes the following elements:

The current practice of the exchange of business documents by means of telecommunications – usually defined as e-Business presents a major opportunity to improve the competitiveness of companies, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). Started as an initiative by CEN/ISSS work shop eBES, the European Expert Group 1 (EEG1) – Supply Chain & e-Procurement  developed  the  Cross-Industry processes  in  2006.
